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Cosmetics & Skincare

Cosmetics/Skincare distribution and development


Japan electronics distribution and development

elderly care products

Elderly care products distribution and developmet

Health & Nutrition products

Health & nutrition products distribution and development

moms & babies

Mom & baby products distribution and development

fashion & accessories

Fashion prducts distribution and development

Wasedo Co. Ltd. has extensive experience in developing and distributing cosmetics/skincare, health & nutrition, electronics, mom & baby, elderly care and fashion & accessories products from Japan.


We proudly have distribution relationship with some of the well known brands in Japan.

We distribute products for our suppliers


We work closely with our suppliers to distribute their products in local and overseas markets. However, we are not just the typical distributor - we try our hardest to understand the products and understand our suppliers. 


We won't accept the distribution unless we feel our suppliers can be successful. This starts with working on a realistic marketing approach and volume target. We then strive to exceed the target and keep our suppliers apprised of the progress.


We only look for long-term partners because we succeed only when our suppliers succeed.

We develop new and unique products


We work with with our suppliers and OEMs to develop market-based products that reflect our green concept and clean image.


Our products aim to "bring happiness to our customers around the world".  We ensure each product we develop is best-in-its-class.

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〒107-0062   東京都港区南青山6-10-9-904室

Tel:     (03)  6324-6835 


Wasedo Co. Ltd

6-10-9-904 Minami Aoyama

Minato Ku, Tokyo Japan 107-0062

Tel:       (03)  6324-6835 


Reicon Global is Asia based investment company.
We are part of Reicon Global family

© Copy rights of Wasedo Co. Ltd 2015

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